What a Purchasing Agent Does and Why They Are an Essential Part of a Company

In today’s competitive market, companies all over the world rely on their employees to keep their business running smoothly to ensure they remain competitive. One of the most important things to for a business to stay up to speed on is their inventory of essential supplies. When materials run out, a company is unable to … [Read more…]

The Top Three HR Facts You Didn’t Know

Most businesses have some sort of human resource positions. The larger a business is, in fact, the more necessary it becomes to create those careers in human resource management. Most people do not have an accurate idea of what careers in human resource management actually look like though; here are three things you probably do … [Read more…]

Some New Ideas for the Classic Family Holiday Photo Card

If there’s one thing that screams “holiday season,” it’s the classic family custom holiday photo cards that fill the mailbox each year starting in November. The color coordinated outfits, which are usually winter-themed despite the fact that the photo was clearly taken outside in the middle of August, and at least one family member looks … [Read more…]

Social Media Advertising for Small Business Owners A Beginner’s Guide

Social media: it’s a phrase that many people are familiar with, and for many, it’s considered a way to keep in touch with friends. But did you know that social media and marketing go hand in hand for small businesses? Using social media marketing techniques can boost your online presence and get customers into your … [Read more…]

Your Cubicle is Your Home-Away-from-Home Why Not Let Your Decor Reflect That?

Your office is your home-away-from-home. In fact, reports show you spend about a quarter of your life there. Why not make sure that your workspace makes you happy, comfortable, and represents who you are? Even if you’re limited to just a cubicle, you can still make that cubicle your own. There are lots of different … [Read more…]

Three Essential Elements of Business Sign Design

Though these days, the focus in marketing is on what business owners can do with technology and the internet, sometimes it’s best to get back to the basics. According to the U.S. Small Business Administration, of all forms of advertising signs are the most effective and least expensive form of advertising for a small business. … [Read more…]

Better Maintain Your Onsite Server Room with Tips for Those in the Know

The last few years have seen a monumental shift away from keeping server rack enclosures onsite to maintain an IT solution to tapping into the cloud. That said, as Forbes writes, many is the business that chooses to take the hybrid approach to modern computing. By using cloud servers to store certain types of data … [Read more…]