If you’re planning to meet with a sales recruiter, it’s important to understand what sales recruiters are looking for in a potential rep.
When sales recruitment firms evaluate sales people, the stakes are actually fairly high. The cost of hiring a sales rep who doesn’t work out can cost as much as six to 10 times that rep’s base salary. Sales jobs have notoriously high turnover rates, so sales recruiters have the tough job of finding people who will stick around and deliver.
When you go in for an interview, it’s your job to show the recruiter that you’re that person. They’re looking for the best person for a company, culture and industry, and there are many ways you can prove to them that you’re a good match.
Usually, recruiters will evaluate your suitability for a job by assessing your relevant skills, aptitude, qualifications, knowledge, and job-related or educational experience.
There are tangible sides to sales work that the recruiter will be looking for. Many look for reps who are also good researchers, since those researchers may be needed to evaluate prospects and understand the needs of the client.
Reps may also have to be a little tech savvy. Many sales companies are using lead-tracking software and call databases, and someone who can’t use them may not last very long. Sales reps may also be expected to design and create high-level presentations for clients, so computer skills will often be something you should highlight.
But your intangible skills may be even more important than what you put on a resume. Patience and perseverance are two of the top qualities of the best sales people. Only about 20% of sales leads are ever followed up, so a rep who’s willing to keep calling back to make the sale is usually the one who will get the job.
Communication is also a key selling point. Written and verbal communication are crucial tools to a sales rep, so your recruiter will be looking at how you present yourself on paper and in person.
Confidence can go a long way, too. Go into your interview keeping these things in mind and you’ll have a much better chance of landing that job.