Has your business grown more than you could have ever expected? Are you currently short of storage options for your inventory? Perhaps it is time that you consider leasing additional manufacturing warehouse space. The American storage and warehouse leasing industry is worth close to $26 billion. Why build more space or purchase more buildings when you could instead lease space for your overflow needs?
While some people think the only problem in starting a new business or maintaining an established company is lack of sales and customers, businesses who are successful also have problems. If you suddenly have large orders coming in and have no where to store your inventory, it can be as big of a problem as having no business at all. Worldwide freight companies, for example, need to have adequate manufacturing warehouse space to finish assembly of their products and for storage until ship dates. Estimates show that retailers who operate both online and offline will need a combined 25 million square meters in additional space over the next five years to store and handle the products they sell. For these growing companies, leasing warehouse and storage space is often a wiser decision than buying or building new.
To understand the entire process of a major company you need to be familiar with some basic terms:
- Strategic Planning is an organization’s process of defining its direction and its mission, and making decisions to allocate its resources to pursue this strategy.
- Supply Chain is a group of organizations, as well as its people and resources, that are involved in moving a product, or sometimes a service, from the supplier to the customer.
- Logistics is the sequence of tasks that must be done to plan and organize a complicated process or that involves many different people.
If you are a company that moves freight across the country you understand the importance of industrial warehouse space and manufacturing warehouse space. You must have a weather proof building with efficient access to and from major highways and interstates. You also need to have enough loading docks with enough clearance to quickly and accurately move your customer’s freight on and off your trucks.
Commercial real estate can be very expensive, and just because you are in need of more space does not mean that your company has the funds or resources to build or purchase this space. Leasing or renting distribution warehouse space, however, is often a great option. Did you know that four billion square feet of new warehouse space was built between the years 1990 and 2003? Why would your company go through the costly process of building more space when leasing is a better option? Finding a warehouse to rent can be as a simple call to a commercial real estate development firm.