There has been, and continues to be, a great debate over the use of cannabis for medical purposes, though most recently there has been a shift in favor of its use and legalization, even for recreational use in some places. While its popularity for both recreational purposes and medical treatment has never been in question since it was first discovered, there has been a question of ethics and medical credibility. But as it now becomes legal in more places, there are not only countless happy consumers, but also many new careers that are turning out to be quite lucrative.
New careers in medical marijuana facility design
According to the National Conference of State Legislatures, or the NCSL, cannabis for medical use is now legal in 23 states and in the nation’s capital. And now that the substance is becoming legal in more locations, the higher demand is creating more jobs. Not only is there a higher demand for growers where cannabis is legal, but there is a need for everything from cannabis consultants to those who would be able to contribute to a medical marijuana facility design in order to better grow the product and to draw in customers, depending on the type of facility. Starting a medical marijuana business requires a lot of different areas of knowledge, and medical marijuana consulting services can provide vital cannabis business resources. A legitimate career in something like medical marijuana facility design is probably not something that many people thought would be an option just a few years ago. And yet today an architect, designer or botanist could have a hand in the medical marijuana business.
The benefits of cannabis in the medical world
In a recent survey conducted by the New England Journal of Medicine, it was revealed that 76% of clinicians support the belief that cannabis does indeed contain medical properties that many patients find beneficial, from those suffering from anxiety to nausea to post traumatic stress disorder. While there is a surprisingly low amount of published research on the medicinal properties of cannabis, there is certainly not a lack of supporters. The Journal of Cannabis Therapeutics conducted a study in which the findings estimated about 30,000 patients in California had received a doctor’s recommendation to use medical marijuana, and another 5,000 patients across eight other states had obtained the same recommendation. And researchers who have looked for risk factors of heart disease by testing the functionality of the lungs of 5,115 adults over 20 years found that tobacco smokers did indeed lose considerable lung function over that time, while those who smoked marijuana actually gained lung capacity.
There is no denying the popularity of cannabis. And even if you are on the fence about the medical benefits of the herbal drug, it wouldn’t take much searching for you to find someone who can personally attest to it.