In recent years, there has been increasing concern over the boom in foodborne illnesses. Subsequently, many eateries in major metropolises like New York City, are re-evaluating their processes, making sure that all food is handled properly.
Norovirus has been identified as one of the main bugs that causes gastroenteritis, more commonly referred to as flu-like symptoms that affect the stomach. This virus has been found in several restaurants across the country.
For this reason, many restaurants are seeking ways to implement food safety and quality management systems to avoid any serious outbreaks of Norovirus, or any other type of foodborne illness.
One way to do this is to seek ISO quality certification. The ISO, the International Organization for Standardization, is a global body of representatives who set forth a number of guidelines to promote best practices in a number of industries. For example, any company can undergo health and safety certification training, electronics certification, and construction quality management certification, to name a few. ISO 13485 is a medical devices certification that many medical facilities seek as well.
The advantage of a food safety and quality management system through an ISO certification is that a restaurant, food packaging company, or any business that handles food, will be able to ensure consumers that what they purchase is of the highest quality.
When a business decides it wants to gain certification, a certified quality auditor combs through all processes, from design, to production, to distribution, to finances, to human resources. Each area of the company is evaluated using ISO requirements, and the auditor will make suggestions to bring the business up to code.
The result is a much more efficient business model, higher quality production, and an end product that consumers can trust. And in the food industry, it is critical to serve customers the safest produce.
While ISO certification cannot guarantee a complete elimination foodborne illnesses, it can certainly decrease the chances.
Read more: eaglecertificationgroup.com