Comparing offset vs digital printing is not just a matter of an older method compared to a newer form of printing, although it is worth exploring the history of the offset press. The offset press was first developed in 1875 by Robert Barclay in England, and was printed on tin. Later, in 1903, Ira Washing Rubel in the United States made a version to print on paper. Both versions had their own merits and contributions to the type of offset printing we now use, although the technology has come quite a long way. Digital printing also has its own history, although fairly recent, and its own advantages to consider when comparing offset vs digital printing for your tasks. Whether you want to make brochures in large print runs, or you are interested in promotional printing that has that extra bit of quality to it, your choice of offset vs digital printing could make a difference in both the final product and the cost to make it.
Quick printing services are available in both offset and digital versions, although you will find that digital printing is often quicker. The advantages of the digital print is that it allows for faster printing of smaller jobs. Offset printing has been shown to produce sharp images, which are clean. The type is also quite sharp when offset vs digital printing methods. Offset is preferable for larger jobs, and it also has a larger amount of sizes that it can print in as well. Adjusting the amount of ink on the roller screw is easier with offset printing, thanks to the manipulation of the screw keys, which can reduce printing costs.
Comparing offset vs digital printing often means looking at the job itself. Digital printing is ideal for quick, on demand printing for small batches. It is less expensive for these types of orders, and it is often much easier to carry out. Offset, however, is preferred for larger orders that have special features, such as textured, high gloss finishes. Offset printing became the most popular choice during the 1950s, but these days some companies still compare offset vs digital printing whenever they are drawing up their budget for the year. The printing press itself did not become economical for advertising products and services until the 1800’s, so digital printing may still have a long way to come before it catches up to offset.
Learn more about this topic here: aimprinting.net