What is a Bond? – Legal Business News

advice? In that case, this video can be a great resource for you. People often don’t understand the differences between bail and bonds. Ted Robinson, a criminal defense lawyer, explains how bail is different from bond. The key is to be aware of the significance of each term especially if they are utilized in a specific situation.

A lawyer for more than 40 decades, Ted provides some fantastic bail tips that you won’t want to miss. Let’s dive into the subject. It is easy to see the difference between bail or bond. The bail amount is money that’s posted in order that you can return at the right time. You might have be able to cover bail, based upon the type of job you have, have children, or operate a business. The bond you will receive from a bail bondman in order to provide bail. It’s an insurance policy to ensure that you return to court.

For more information on bail and bail for information on bail, check out this video. Though bail and bonds are sometimes confused but it is helpful to know the differences.
