What do you know about aeration tower systems? If the answer is ‘not much’, you’ve come to the right article! The advantage of close-circuit cooling towers and air stripping solutions can’t be underestimated for businesses around the country, as proper cooling and ventilation is necessary for workers to get through their day-to-day obligations. From outdoor models to indoor solutions, aeration tower systems are an essential part of the economic fabric. Maintaining these properly can also see your place of business saving money yearly through reduced energy costs. If you’re wondering how cooling towers work or are looking for some affordable and effective solutions, look below to learn a little more about aeration tower systems and their benefits.
What Are Cooling Towers?
Let’s start off with the basics. Cooling towers were first developed to recycle more than 98% of wasted water, cultivating in a significant reduction in both water and energy waste. They originated in the 19th century as part of steam technology advances, making considerable strides in the early 1900’s through more environmentally aware methods. As such, cooling towers have only continued to boom in popularity across multiple economic sectors and small businesses. Industrial cooling towers improve water efficiency, generally have low maintenance designs and work as one of the most reliable sources of water remediation technology. Even simple changes in fan types or cooling tower models can save you hundreds.
How Do Cooling Towers Work?
Cooling towers are separated into two main categories — natural draft cooling towers spray type and the natural draft cooling towers splash deck type. Similar cooling tower classifications include the HVAC, short for ‘heating ventilation and cooling’. Splash deck type cooling towers are widely considered to be more effective than the spray type, at over 30%, though many different effective models exist depending on your needs and budget. Even the smallest cooling towers are designed to handle streams of water at only a few gallons per minute, not unlike small pipes in a residential area. Due to the nature of these systems and their reliance on both moisture and heat, their maintenance involves cleaning and routine inspections of inner working systems.
How Do I Maintain Aeration Tower Systems?
Knowing some basic terminology will help immensely with long-term maintenance. For starters, a BTU is the heat energy needed to raise the temperature of one pound of water — an evaporative cooling ton is 15,000 BTUs per hour. Heat load is equal to water circulation rate (also known as gpm) times the cooling range times 500, expressed using the BTU system. There are small adjustments you can make to save money, such as replacing standard efficiency fan motors with high efficiency models to reduce energy requirements by as much as 8%. Concentration cycles in the vast majority of cooling towers ranges between three and seven. Increasing these cycles from three to six is known to reduce cooling tower make-up by 20% and cooling tower blowdown by nearly 50%.
Which One Is Right For My Business?
While you have a wide selection of wide aeration tower systems to choose from, some may work better than others depending on your environment. Some are created to reduce noise, while others are better at circulating heat in enclosed spaces. Power plants are one of the largest consumers of this technology, relying on this modern spin on old steam technology to power the largest industrial resources around. However, this technology is used in residential areas, restaurants, small businesses and public spaces on the daily. If you keep an open mind on the materials and resources available to you, you’ll have no trouble finding the aeration tower system technology that suits you best.