Would you be surprised to know that, despite the increase in options on the market, Windows-Based server rack cabinets remain the most popular in the world? Usability coupled with customizability continues to give Windows Server machines an edge, both over its Linux and iOS-based competitors.
Unfortunately, as is so often the case with anything popular in the world of computing, the more popular the software, the more people there are looking to exploit and harm those using that software. This is why that classic but inaccurate saying about Mac’s having no viruses has gained so much traction. There are definitely viruses and hackers targeting Macs, but most spend their time trying to crack Windows systems.
It goes without saying that if you run Windows-based server rack cabinets, you need to take extra precautions to safeguard your company against would be attackers. Here are three of the simplest things you can do to accomplish exactly that.
Three Simple Tricks to Secure Your Windows-Based Server Rack Enclosures Against Cyber-Criminals
- Encrypt All of Your Hard Drives
- Take Advantage of Integrated Secure Access Technology
- Don’t Do Everything on One Machine
For the popular IT security blog eSecurity Planet, one of the best things you can do to fortify the data held in your server rack cabinets is encrypt all of your hard drives. Now, if you go about this manually, it can be a real pain in the neck. By using BitLocker or other software designed to encrypt data systems en masse, however, you can protect all of your data drives in one fell swoop.
As mobile technology has become increasingly prevalent, so, too, has the ability for companies to be more agile improved. However, as Tom’s IT Pro, an online community for the IT crowd, suggests, malicious entities targeting companies using remote access for business agility have likewise grown more common. That’s why you need to be sure to use the built in remote access technology Windows Server offers. Using a combination of VPN and direct access tech, this software ensures that you can get into your system, whether you’re in the office or out of the state, while simultaneously cutting off unauthorized access.
One of the biggest mistakes companies make, especially small companies, is trying to do everything from one machine. Sure, that saves space and money, but it also puts your business at the highest amount of risk. Consider, if all of your data is in one place, what happens when that one place is hit by a hacker or virus? Everything is gone. Spread your computing needs across multiple machines to spread out your risk and help protect your company.
What techniques have you used to secure your server racks and cabinets using Windows? Let us know in the comments below. Find out more about this topic here: www.global1resources.com