One of the most important parts of starting a small business is advertising well to start building a customer base and to get people in the door — or at least to open their wallets. There are a few ways to do that without blowing your budget or having to spend extra advertising dollars before you’re making any money.
1. The Internet
Many business owners are taking to the internet these days to advertise their businesses. You should be careful here — there are a lot of advertising tactics and strategies here, so it can be easy to get caught up and try to employ too many tactics at once. This isn’t necessary, and once you get things up and running you can always come back to it. Start by building a quality website and join a few social media sites to offer customers information about your business and to start engaging with them.
2. Small Business Signs
Another really cost effective way to start advertising your start up is to make sure you invest in on premise business signs at the very least. Signs for businesses can attract up to half of a small business’s local customer base, so it’s a pretty effective place to start advertising. Additionally, signs for businesses are one of the most cost effective forms of advertising since once they’re up they advertise all day, every day, for free. Opting for custom signs is going to help build your brand and the recognition of it.
3. Word of Mouth
This one is a little less straightforward than going out and installing signs or getting on the internet, but encouraging word of mouth is probably the least expensive way to start advertising a new small business. A good way to do this is to just do whatever you’re doing exceptionally well. If people are pleased with the product or service you’re offering, they’ll be more likely to tell people they know and recommend your business — which is priceless when you’re just starting out.
Do you have any low-cost advertising tips for small businesses just starting out? Let us know in the comments. Continue reading here.