Local business videos are one of the most efficient ways to promote a business these days. Because of the fact that approximately 65% of the world’s population are inherently visual learners, the visual images put forth in a local business video could give them exactly what they need to be able to fully comprehend all of the information and concepts.
Small business video marketing can be incredibly effective. According to an October 25 article on 13Wham.com, a simple viral marketing video shot in California quickly attracted over six million hits on websites like YouTube. The Rochester, NY based business has good reason to be pleased with the results, as it is highly likely that a large number of those visitors also checked out their primary business website.
There are a number of advantages that a local business video will have over more traditional means of advertising, such as radio and television commercials. For one, their audience will be far less limited. If someone does not have their radio or TV on at the right time, they will never know about a specific business or product. Thanks in large part to social media, a web video for business could be shared very quickly by a large number of people.
Today, a business video could easily be put into any businesses plan. Typically, business plans are there to help introduce services and products to both employees and stake holders, while also encompassing the value of any new products. The right plan will contain a great deal of information, while also being crystal clear to the average individual.
Viral business videos can help to show this information in a fun and accessible manner. No matter what kind of service or product a business may be looking to promote, chances are that a business video could en up attracting a lot of attention.