The workplace may seem like a safe place — and a lot of the time, it is. But no workplace is safe all of the time, and the fact is that many employees commit safety violations without even knowing it. These violations aren’t just limited to those that could directly hurt people. Yes, you can slip and fall on the job. But you could also get hurt or even become permanently ill due to environmental violations. When businesses break rules like these, the employees are not the only ones at risk. The general public — and indeed the environment — can be harmed as well. However, the bigger issue is not necessarily the specific rule being broken. It’s the fact that it won’t get reported, and thus the same mistake or deliberate violation will continue for years to come. With that being said, as you’ll discover in this article, there are many reasons why people don’t feel comfortable revealing the truth about such activities. This kind of revelation is referred to as “whistleblowing”, and it can be done in a way that is safer for everyone involved. Computer programs known as safety software help make it easier for people to disclose what they know about rule violations; and they can lead to major changes in for the companies involved. Let’s look into what encompasses health and safety software, and how it could potentially make your workplace a safe, more open environment.
Whistleblowing: The Cold, Hard Facts
If you think that it’s easier just to let people confide in the authorities about rule violations — versus installing safety software — unfortunately, you’re wrong. Many of us think that when a company or employee breaks a rule and another employee reports it to a supervisor, the reporter is in the right and will thus naturally be protected. This is what would happen in an ideal world. Many times, however, the whistleblower receives retaliation in return for their good intentions. They can be treated poorly at work — at the least being ignored or passed over for a promotion, and at the most being fired. It’s no wonder that 45% of people feel uncomfortable pointing out potentially unsafe behaviors to their peers or supervisors. This is significant, especially when one considers the fact that to 75% of employees, feeling personally safe and secure in the workplace is extremely important. They’re willing to risk their personal safety — and the safety of others — due to a real fear of retaliation.
Safety Software: The Difference It Can Make
Safety software is software through which people can anonymously report safety violations. These violations could be minor or wide-ranging, like environmental compliance violations. They can also go hand in hand with employee training software, and lead to changes in not only rules on a large scale, but employee safety programs. They’re essentially a way for employees — no matter how basic their level of employment — to be in touch with people that they otherwise wouldn’t know how to contact. This is particularly true in the case of companies’ environmental health and safety teams. In fact, 72% of employees are not aware of their company’s EHS team at all. Yet when they are aware, 43% of employees want to give feedback to their EHS team. After all, 50% of employees care about the way their company affects the environment, including matters like its water conservation efforts and access to recycling.
The Importance Of Employees Telling The Truth
Employees need to feel safe in telling the truth. Environmental health and safety violations can affect the world at large, as we’ve discussed. However, they can also cause employees to suffer their effects for years to come. This leads to years of medical bills, and for that matter the potential of death. Telling the truth about these violations means that serious change can be made. And this is the kind of change that can save lives.