If you are beginning a construction project near or on a body of water in the near future, you should make sure that you have the right silt curtains, oil containment booms, oil skimmers, oil spill response equipment, and turbidity barriers in place. Using proper silt curtains (sometimes referred to as silt barriers or turbidity curtains) can help contain contaminants so that they do not make their way into the water near your construction site. It helps to protect the natural environment, and it can save you a lot of money on fines associated with violating government regulations and requirements, such as the Clean Water Act, National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES), as well as state and local regulations.
As you are choosing silt curtains for your project, make sure to talk to the providers about connecting you with a turbidity control specialist who can help you make sure that you are using your silt curtains and related equipment as effectively as possible. Having a professional who specializes in silt curtains and turbidity control on premises can help you stay within regulation, and keep you from making mistakes that could get you nailed with hefty fines. More like this article: www.abasco.com