Professional Answering Services Help You Get and Maintain Customers

Call centers maryland

Do you feel like you are never done with work? If you are a small business owner this may be all too true for you. Even when you are out of the office and the shop is officially closed you still find yourself answering phone calls and assuring people that you will get with them first thing in the morning.

In this 24/7 world that we live in, everyone expects to get help and answers to their questions any time of the day or night. While this is a great thing if you are the consumer, customer or patient wanting help, it is a non-stop stressful situation for business owners and many in the health care profession.

Just having an answering machine is not really a good enough solution. If you are a company that is closed over the weekend, you can come back to work on Monday to a back log of phone messages to return. And, in some cases, customers may have decided to take their business elsewhere rather than “leave a message at the beep.”

Perhaps the solution your business or health care office needs is a 24 hour answering service. If a potential customer is calling about hours, directions, policies, or other simple questions, your live telephone answering service can answer the questions directly, saving you the interruption of the phone call. Phone answering companies that offer 24 hour answering service can also schedule appointments and record important customer information.

After hours telephone answering services
can help you gain potential customers. Did you know that 72% of clients who don’t get through on the phone will not take the time to leave a voicemail? Since 69% of potential customers who don’t get through on the phone won’t call back, every missed phone calls is a missed opportunities to turn visitors into clients. A professional answering service can prevent all of these problems.

A 24 hour answering service can provide you with trained professionals who realize that tone is the most impor­tant vocal skill in great tele­phone etiquette. These staff members also know that good phone manners increase customer satisfaction and that telephone etiquette is an integral part of customer service training. More than anything else, a friendly and competent phone greeting is key indicator of not only customer satisfactions, but employee satisfaction as well.

Most importantly, when your office hours are over, a telephone answering service allows you to step away from your work and get the rest and relaxation you need to start again the next day!