Lock out tag out procedure, also called LOTO, is a system implemented using OSHA lockout tagout kits that are, ultimately, designed to restrict access to specific areas, usually in construction or industrial manufacturing settings, and access can only be permitted if all of the locks and tags are signed by multiple parties. Typically, OSHA lockout tagout systems have multiple locks and tags, sometimes up to double digits, and require each technician to sign their lock and their tag before anyone is allowed access. Industrial companies and manufacturers are encouraged to implement the Osha lockout tagout system because it is extremely reliable, safe, and proficient. To learn more about OSHA lockout tagout programs or lockout tagout training, contact local OSHA representatives to gather more information.
OSHA lockout tagout is considered the safest and most accountable way of tracking where personnel is at all times. In the event of construction, for example, OSHA lockout tagout systems would require however many workers in the confined space to sign out their locks and tags, complete their work and repairs, and then sign back in using the OSHA lockout tagout guidelines. The procedures are all covered under OSHA training but, in a nutshell, it ensures the priority of safety and eliminates the risk of any power, machinery, or environmental hazards from turning back on in the event all the workers are not clear from the area.