Above anything else, safety might be the most important aspect of everyday work within your warehouse’s forklift battery changing area. During procedures like lubrication, cleaning and charging of forklift batteries, a great number of things can go wrong that put personnel at danger and severely hamper your warehouse efficiency.
Because of the many dangers associated with forklift battery changing, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has a number of standards and regulations in place to keep personnel safe while handling these batteries.
Are you maintaining the right safety standards in your warehouse’s forklift battery handling area? Find out with this list of the three most crucial battery room safety features and installations your battery room needs:
Personal protective equipment
Before entering a designated area for battery handling, personnel must wear the correct protective gear. This gear includes goggles, aprons, rubber gloves, protective footwear like steel-toed boots and face protection that can keep personnel protected from the hazardous chemicals contained within the forklift battery. You should never allow anyone into the battery room without this personal protective equipment, regardless of how long they plan on being in the room.
OSHA requires that all forklift battery changing and handling rooms be equipped with the proper ventilation systems to ensure steady flow and circulation of air within the room. This ventilation diffuses the gases that can escape from a forklift battery during the maintenance process, protecting personnel from explosions, fires and even asphyxiation.
Eye-wash station
A properly-functioning eye-wash station must be installed within 15 feet of an area in which forklift batteries are handled. These stations can flush out any harmful chemicals that get in personnel’s eyes, and can save their eyesight if used properly. Never obstruct access to these eye-wash stations with doors or objects, and be sure to regularly maintain the stations to keep its water clean and safe to use in one’s eyes.
Have any other questions for us on the proper forklift battery management safety procedures or how to conform to OSHA’s battery room ventilation requirements? Ask us by leaving a comment below. Read more.