The use of heat and flame is used in thousands of industries throughout the world and in the United States. Industrial production uses a large variety of flame treating burners, venturi burners or lead melters. Since 2013, industrial production has increased more than 30% and more than half of all U.S. exports are manufactured goods.
But flame treating burners or any type or melting furnaces and propane burners are used recreationally as well. Grills, for example, have been ranked as the number one backyard feature at a whopping 97.4% rating in a recent survey. Even better, a few of our favorite types of industries, such as breweries and bakeries, use flame treating burners to produce some of our most enjoyed products.
Breweries and Distillieries
The brewing industry uses flame treating burners to produce their beer and even legal moonshine. The gas burner manufacturer has resulted in a great incline in the brewery business as of late. In the end of June of 2014, there were 3,040 breweries operating for part or all of the month. This was a significant milestone for the American brewing industry. Currently, due to the rise in the amount of functioning breweries, the majority of Americans live within 10 miles of a local brewery. With the increasing amounts of distilleries and breweries around the country, manufacturers strive to increase the quality and efficiency of their equipment as often as possible. Flame treating burners have become a way for companies such as these to produce higher quality product at a faster rate and by using a simpler procedure.
Ovens and Bakeries
Bakeries are another popular industry within the country. According to recent statistics there are 2,800 commercial bakeries, and more than 6,000 retail bakeries in the United States. There are an estimated 95% of commercial, which are non-institutional operations, that use at least one type of oven, according to recent studies done in the United States. Around 55% to 60% of commercial ovens use natural gas to power themselves, and an estimated 40% to 45% of ovens use electric energy instead. A manufacturer with a revolving oven has the ability to hold anywhere from eight to 32 pans within that oven. Before the power of flame treating burners it was not possible to put out such a high production rate of baked goods at one time without the use of far too many ovens at one time. Now, with pieces of equipment like the revolving oven, it has become a much simpler task to stock a bakery with the most deliciously and efficiently created baked goods possible.