The holidays are coming and you?ve got a fantastic product. Now you just need terrific customized packaging design to make it pop and, while you?re at it, you want to take ease of packing and shipping in mind. There are many choices of packaging, glass, plastic, cardboard, here?s why plastics make the most sense.
Plastic packaging products give you so many choices, not only when it comes to customized packaging design, but in shapes (zippered packaging, flexible pouches, custom food packaging), and even sustainable and tamper evident packaging. Packaging experts estimate that every pound of plastic packaging helps reduce food waste by up to 1.7 pounds, because modern plastic food packaging (like heat-sealed plastic pouches or wraps) helps to keep food fresh and to protect it from contamination. And a 2011 study showed that 94% of Americans have access to recycling facilities for plastic bottles, and 40% can also recycle other types of plastic containers, like dairy tubs, lids, and yogurt cups.
When it comes to shipping your product, flexible packing is definitely the way to go. With just two pounds of plastic you can deliver about 10 gallons of a beverage, like soda, juice, milk, or water. With aluminum you would need three pounds to deliver the same amount of liquid. And a one-gallon plastic milk jug weighs 30% less today than it did 20 years ago, using considerably less plastic. And when comparing glass jars to flexible plastic packaging (with, of course, your customized packaging design), when transporting equal amounts the two, the plastic would require only one truckload where the same amount of glass would require 26 truckloads.
Not only are you saving money shipping by using flexible packaging, you?re supporting our economy. The American plastics industry employs something close to one million workers and contributes a whopping $375 billion to the national economy and the flexible packaging market is booming, and it?s estimated to grow from about $74 million in revenues in 2012 to nearly $100 million by 2018. That?s great news for everybody involved.
So what are you waiting for? Meet with a flexible packaging supplier to get your customized packaging design for your product now. There?s no time like the present for great ideas.