Time to Buy Supplies!
It’s back to school time for many, and with this comes school supply shopping! Whether dreaded or highly anticipated, items like a notebook, pencils, and d ring binders are a necessity for most students. How people prepare for the beginning of the school year is changing. Along with an increase in spending, we may be getting supplies from a different source. More than 1/3 of people heading back to school will get some of their school supplies online, and this portion increases to 45% among those going to college. This may be partially due to millennials buying more of their own school supplies, as this group plans to spend $913 million of their own money this year to buy items such as spiral notebook graph paper, small binder rings, pens, and other needed school supplies.
Organize your Workplace too!
Students aren’t the only ones who need things typically thought of as school supplies; most office workers use approximately 10,000 sheets of paper each year. Along with all this paper a large amount of writing utensils and laser inkjet labels are required. Organization is key for success in the workplace. Your coworkers notice a messy desk! Most Americans, about 57%, admit that they judge their coworkers by how organized their desk is. Although this may seem shallow on the surface, the root of this judgement may be justified. The many messy desks around the workplace, along with looking for misplaced items and files, can cost corporations in America up to $177 billion dollars each year. If you’re one with a messy desk, be sure to stock up on d ring binders, laser printer labels, and numbered dividers to make your desk a calmer place. Your productivity will thank you!
Whether you are headed back to school or work, making sure you have the right supplies is key to success.
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