Working in industrial warehouses and any workplace where there are tall, heavy, and exposed platforms, equipment, and supplies can be extremely dangerous. You have to look out and be aware of all lifting equipment and supplies throughout the area and be have effective fall protection equipment to avoid serious injury.
Workplace falls account for far too many injuries in the U.S. every year and if all workers are properly trained, these injuries can be avoided.
Here are a few fall protection tips that can help keep an otherwise dangerous workplace remain safe and secure.
Take Fall Protection Courses
Fall protection courses aren’t there just for time wasters for bored employees. These courses and programs are in place to truly provide workers, supervisors, and property managers to learn about the dangers of workplace falls and what needs to be done to prevent them.
Take Short Falls Seriously
Many workers think that as long as they are careful on extremely high platforms, which are clearly dangerous, they will be fine. Although they must remain very careful and follow all safety precautions on very high surfaces, they must also remain safe on platforms even a few feet high above the ground. That’s one of the biggest changes in thinking that needs to happen in the workplace: just because a fall is short doesn’t mean it can’t cause serious harm.
Identify Everything That is Hazardous
The best thing that you can do to ensure and promote safety in the workplace is to seriously take a look around the building and work area and determine any and all potential tripping and fall hazards. Make sure that you take all heavy supplies into account as more danger can occur when heavy equipment is involved especially on higher platforms.
It’s wise to periodically search and inspect the workplace, inside and out, to find fall hazards like unprotected floor openings, dangerous or hidden structure edges, issues with scaffolding, shafts, skylights, stairwells, and the roof. You never know when an employee will need to access any kind of structure on the property, so it’s essential that every inch of property is fully protected.
Although it’s important to search, plan, and prepare the workplace for potential falls, the only way to truly be safe is for everyone to just be careful. Encourage your employees to take every step carefully and remain cautious while on the job.