Do you want to increase your customer base this year? Do you want to create better awareness of your business to local residents? Increasing customer number often coincides with increased marketing budgets. Marketing is an important part of the success of any business. Marketing?s mail goal is to create awareness of an already built brand and to increase the frequency that current customer?s visit the store. Figuring out the best marketing plan often involves some trial and error, however, the following marketing strategies should always be included in the marketing plan.
Local print
Local print involves newspaper ads, direct mail, flyers, and catalogue marketing. Local print is a great way to get your businesses advertisement into the homes of your potential customers. It can also act as a great reminder for those who enjoy your business, but have not visited lately. Considering that 85% of a business?s customers live or work within a five mile radius of its location, local print to nearby residents and commercial businesses is a great way to create local awareness.
Freeway signage
The majority of residents within a city use the freeway in their home city frequently. People who use the same roads regularly notice and remember the advertisements along these roads. More than one third (37%) of people report looking at an outdoor ad each or most of the time they pass one. When new LED business signs or freeway signs are placed, customers will notice. They may use these digital signs for business recommendations or to learn about new or existing businesses that they have yet to try.
Storefront signage
LED business signs are also extremely effective directly outside of the storefront. Customers may drive by a store daily, never even realizing the existence of a local store. If you are a newer business, consider using large and colorful LED business signs to gain attraction. If you have been around for many years, consider replacing your current signage with LED signs. Studies show that adding or changing a sign directly improves sales revenue. Replacing a store front wall sign with a larger sign increases revenue by 7.7%. This is a simple change that most store and business owners can do for minimal cost.
Change sign information frequently
Local residents become immune to signs and information that have been around for many years. This is why they might drive by a store for many years, never realizing it is there. Changing the information or colors of the sign frequently can break up the advertisements. Whereas it could get very expensive to continually replace storefront signs, digital LED business signs can be regularly changed with minimal effort.
Commercial business signs that are LED business signs can also notify local residents of sales, store hours, and services and products offered. Although there is no one message or marketing campaign that will attract everyone?s attention, having the ability to regularly change the content of the sign will increase the customer base that it reaches. A LED sign company can help your business choose the right LED sign for your business needs. They can also assist with trainings on how to change the recurring messages of these LED signs. Many studies have also shown LED signs to be extremely effective in relaying information about events and store sales to local customers.
Many businesses struggle with developing an effective marketing plan. Considering that most marketing plans are geared toward a specific type of customer, it can be difficult to evaluate the type of customer that you should be advertising to. Marketing efforts like local print and freeway signage can be beneficial in creating business awareness, but may leave some customer markets untapped. LED signs, however, have the ability to change marketing messages, allowing a business to increase their customer target base.