The Benefits Of Switching To An Electronic Document Management System

For more and more offices around the country, the implementation of an electronic document management service electronic system is become ever the more necessary. As the world quickly shifts to one that is more environmentally friends and digitally based, the need for an electronic document management service electronic system will increase and these document storage solutions will begin to be implemented in the majority of offices and places of business.

Printing hard copies has long been a source of unnecessary spending for many offices. In fact, printing as well as copier costs are usually the third biggest expense that an office has, behind rent and payroll only. Even filing itself can cost a considerable amount of money, about twenty dollars per document and more than one hundred dollars wasted for every misfiled document. For each office worker in the United States, as many as ten thousand pieces of paper of used every single year. This is not only a considerable expense for offices around America, but it’s far from environmentally friendly. And with more than eighty percent of all offices still relying on hard printed copies of documents, the paper waste is still tremendous. In fact, estimates that nearly twenty percent of all paper used could be considered waste.

Though an electronic document management service electronic system can help a company and an office building to become as environmentally friendly as possible, and though this is certainly an important cause, it is not the only valuable reason to switch to a managed printing solution system. In fact, switching to an electronic management service electronic system can help to reduce the possibility for error in the workplace, as it nearly eliminates the likelihood of an important document becoming lost or even misplaced.

Losing documents is a considerable problem all throughout the workforce of the United States with nearly twenty percent of all paper documents misplaced at some point in time and more than seven percent lost for good. This results in lost time totaling as much as a month in a calendar year spent looking for misplaced or lost documents alone.

Fortunately, there is a solution to the amount of time and money that is being lost due to printed documents, as well as a way to reduce the overall waste that a company produces. By implementing an electronic document management service electronic system, companies can all but eliminate their paper use. Through the utilization of such a system, it is possible to gain back a considerable portion of the time that was being lost searching for documents that had been misplaced or worse, lost permanently. Using an electronic document management service electronic system can also help to increase employee productivity and the overall output – and therefore success – of the company as a whole. Switching to an electronic document management system has nothing but positives and the initial period of adjusting to the change is well worth the eventual outcome.