Preparing to Move Out

It is a typical event for someone or a household to move to a new residence, and commercial movers can be hired to help out with this. A household will pack up all of the items found there and deliver them to a new location, but local movers can be hired to help. Commercial movers may be found online, and these commercial movers may have their own websites to showcase their work and provide more contact information to clients. Even business offices may make use of commercial movers, and moving services may help a business client pack up all of their items and relocate to a new office building. What is there to know about commercial movers and their work, and the people who are hiring them to relocate?

Americans and Moving

Often, Americans are moving because their current house is longer sufficient for their living situation, such as if another child is born or adopted and there is no room for them. A bigger house or apartment is needed, and a family will hire commercial movers to help them with this. In other cases, a person may get a new job or get transferred in their current job, which means relocating to a new residence that is close to the new job location. This is especially true if the knew job is in another city or state entirely. In other cases, a person’s changing budget may encourage them to move. They may find a more affordable apartment somewhere else and save money on rent, for example. Or, a person will save enough money to buy a proper home, then move out of an apartment and into that house when ready.

Most Americans move at least a few times in their lives, and on average, a person will move 12 times in their lives. It should be noted, though, that a person may move less often as they age, as they can afford a more permanent living space in their older years and may not like the idea of moving again. It has also been determined that Americans move the most often during the summer months, and winter is less popular for moving. In fact, December ranks as the least popular month for moving, possibly because of ice and snow interfering with moving trucks. That, and many Americans may have their hands full with Christmas or Hanukkah plans or they are busy with the retail season. But when a household is indeed ready to move, they can take some simple but effective steps to get ready.

Making the Move

When a household is preparing to move, they may start by slimming down their inventory. The average American household has an impressive 300,000 items in it, but not all of them are necessarily desired. Some are redundant with others, or are lost and buried where no one can find them. Still others are junk that the homeowner has yet to throw away. Having a cluttered and mess household is stressful and means that items often get lost, and an excess of inventory may make moving more expensive and difficult. Therefore, everyone in a house can help get rid what they don’t really intend to bring with them to the new residence.

Items can be sorted and discarded by category rather than room, since items of all sorts tend to get scattered all over the place. Clothing is a fine place to start, and the family members can gather all all clothes and accessories that they own from across the house into a single large pile for convenience. From there, they can sort through it all and choose what they want to keep versus what they can donate to charity instead. Some households might even halve their wardrobes this way. The same can be done for kitchen goods and kids’ toys and more, and spare furniture can be relocated to self storage sites.

Moving companies can be hired and provide large trucks and trailers for the job with ample room, but companies vary based on how far they will travel for a move (this should be checked ahead time). Movers can also pack items and boxes tightly so that they do not rattle or fall over in transit, and straps and padding can help with this, too.