How Residential Plumbing Works – Family Dinners

Explains how plumbing in your home works to give you a clear concept of what’s happening in your home.

There are waste pipes in your municipal sewer that carry water from toilets and other fixtures. They may be made of ABS, PVC or cast iron, depending on the date they were installed. The waste is taken to the local trash can and is managed by the city. Cleanouts are installed every few weeks to enable residents and homeowners access to pipes in the event of a blockage.

Some homes don’t have municipal services. In these cases, the main drain pipes carry the waste to a septic tank. Septic tanks separate liquids and solids and transports liquids into the so-called leach field or drain field. The solids are pumped out using a vacuum truck on a regular basis.

For proper drain pips functioning, it’s crucial to create vents. The force created by the air allows waste water to flow from your residence to the tanks for septic and municipal use. Your walls are cooled by the vents.

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