With the environment taking a beat as of late, it’s our responsibility to do our best to reverse harmful trends and give back to the planet that takes such good care of us. Some people find their own special ways of doing this, such as cleaning up their local highways, clearing out their rivers and using more eco-friendly gardening projects. For those that are wanting to clean up their personal space while being environmentally considerate, charity clothing pick up is a wonderful middle ground. It’s not just useful, it helps everyone in the equation. Why don’t we take a look at all the ways donating your clothes can help people, plants and animals in the long run.
When You Donate Clothes, You Donate Useful Materials
Our clothes are made up of a whole host of useful materials. Cotton, spandex, linen, you name it. When you throw away clothes instead of donating them you’re taking away ingredients that can be mixed back into your local economy. Nearly 100% of household textiles and clothing can be recycled, no matter the quality or condition it’s in, and used by a wide variety of industries. Unfortunately, an estimated 10 million tons of clothing still head straight to landfills every year. Why is this a problem?
You Help Keep Landfills From Growing And Growing
Landfills are one of the most notorious strains on the environment as we know it. Nearly everything goes there, from trash to still-useful items, and sees all sorts of problems as a result. Landfills accumulate a notorious amount of bacteria on top of taking up precious space, making them hazards that need to be reduced as much as possible. Charity clothing donations keep useful materials and gently used clothing articles out of landfills, creating a cleaner and safer world to live in. Charity clothing pick up can make this process even easier.
You Give Your Neighbors A Larger Selection To Choose From
Do you like thrift shopping? Many people do. It’s a great way to expand one’s closet while staying within a budget and many seek out charity organizations to get the best of both worlds. The majority of social media users in a recent survey at 70% said they were more likely to take action in response to a friend donating, meaning donating is just as much of a social act as it is an economic and environmental one. It doesn’t hurt to spread the love. Do you know any friends or family who have clothes they no longer need? Tell them about charity clothing pick up services.
Reverse Harmful Trends And Set Positive Examples
While total giving to charitable organizations exceeded $300 billion back in 2014, there are still initiatives being set out to encourage people to keep donating as best they can. Nearly 43% of those surveyed in a study about clothing donations admitting to giving more during the holidays than the rest of the year. This means many charities could use more clothing donations during different months that don’t receive as much traffic.
How To Donate Clothes To Charity
Are you interested in donating clothes to charity? You’ll be happy to know it’s an easy process. Simply dig through your closet and pick any clothes you don’t want anymore. A common tip is that an item that hasn’t been worn in at least six months, especially in a one to two season climate, should be donated. Most places offer charity clothing pick up services, to boot, making it as easy as picking up the phone and giving them directions to your home to pick up a box or bag of unwanted clothes. The average American buys at least twice as many pieces of clothing than 20 years ago. Let’s see if we can make the average American donate twice as much, too!