In the year of 2016, factories across the United States managed to create goods that totaled a value of nearly $5.3 trillion. This number is basically a third of the nation’s gross domestic product and is more than any other sector in the United States. Over the years, there has been a lot of work put into the process of making factories safer which has also helped boost production as well.
Even though factories are a huge part of the United States economy, the average American most likely has little knowledge of what goes into said factories. However, this does not at all negate the previously stated importance of factories. Here are all of the facts on factories and chemical protective garments.
In the year of 2015, refineries that worked specifically with petroleum managed to help contribute nearly $462 billion to the nation’s economy as a whole. This is another note to just how important these factories are to the overall production of the nation’s economy. As a result, workers need to be protected and that is why chemical protective garments are so important.
Right now, there are over 2.5 million American citizens that are employed by the oil and natural gas industry. Even though safety has been vastly improved over the past couple of years, it is not yet perfect. As a matter of fact, scientists and experts are working hard to make the best chemical protective garments possible.
Permeation is a process by which a chemical passes through a protective film. The two values that are used to represent permeation data are referred to as breakthrough time and rate as well. Breakthrough resistance is related to the temperature of the material and the environment and the thickness of the barrier. A higher than normal temperature, which is usually around 25 degrees Celsius, will result in a faster breakthrough.
Unfortunately, there are thousands of different workers that are blinded every year while on the job. What is truly shameful is that so many of these injuries could have been easily prevented with the utilization of proper use of eye and face protection.
Across the nation, companies lose out on nearly $300 million every single year because of eye injuries. THese eye injuries cut into the overall profits due to production time, medical expenses, and also workers compensation. According to the Center for Disease Control, an estimated 20 million workers use personal protective equipment on a regular basis to protect them from job hazards.
In Conclusion
Safety and health programs, maintaining a safe workplace, and providing the best chemical protective garments are all ways in which workers can be protected in the workplace. Reusable chemical gear is a great way to get chemical protective garments that are not going to be thrown away at the end of the day. They can easily be washed and reused which helps from depleting certain materials to make the chemical protective garments in the first place.