There are certain careers, like banking careers, jobs in finance and banking, and business finance jobs, that people always seem to associate with quick and easy money. That is far from the truth, because of the fact that most of these jobs require a significant amount of training or practical experience before you can get hired. If you your are thinking about researching the types of finance jobs and possibly pursuing banking careers in the future, here are a few important facts you need to know about the hard work that goes along with these career choices.
Accountancy, or accounting as it is more widely known, is the production of financial records about an organization. This take form in a lot f different ways. Depending on the nature of the institution involved, the work of a certified accountant might be extensive or more secondary.
Though a lot of people think about the role of an accountant as the only financial related position in a company, but that is far from the case. For instance, controllers keep the company’s financial planning, debt financing and budget management organized in a slightly different capacity than the typical accountant.
The most competitive positions in accounting include accountant managers, senior accountants, and fund accountant managers of private equity funds. If you are not interested in fighting tooth and nail for your position, there are plenty of less competitive positions in any of the larger companies in the country. You will just need to take the time to find a position that fits best for you and your temperament.
When you are looking for the best fit for you, you should take role specific competency into consideration. This is among financial employers’ list of must haves. You should not waste your time applying for jobs that you are in no way qualified for.
Investment banking jobs deal with facilitating the issuance of corporate securities and making these securities available for investors to purchase. While they do this, they are also taking care of trading securities and providing financial advice to both corporations and wealthy individual investors. If you can get it, it is one of the best financial jobs for a skilled multi-tasker.