Accurate measurements are an important aspect of many industries. The measurements need to be down to the exact centimeter and in some cases, the exact millimeter. While adjustable products can assist with reducing measurement errors, adjustable is not always a permanent option. These are a few of the commercial industries that require an accurate measurement.
Construction workers
Construction workers often deal with the build of new commercial and residential buildings. Even the smallest error in measurement can affect the outcome of the project. A floor that is not level can result in an uneven structure of the foundation. A roof that is not level can affect the drain and put an unnecessary load amount onto it.
When dealing with commercial properties, these measurements are often even more important. An error in the foundational structure can affect the entire building, which often comprises of added square feet. Construction workers use both architectural engineers and inspectors to ensure that planning is accurate and that the final project is to code. They might also use precise tension load cells to remove the strain of any potential inaccurate measurement. Precise tension load cells can account for minor error measurements.
Engineering professionals
Engineering professionals are tasked with the design of industrial projects. Their job might be more important than that of the worker. Without accurate blueprints, the project will never be to the proper measurement. Engineers can design their projects based on need and purpose and then use the precise tension load cells to improve compression differences. They can also design custom load cells to handle any level of human error. With the use of these advanced measurement devices and precise tension load cells, the outcome of the designed project is likely to be more accurate.
Additionally, there are also different types of load cells available to the project designer. There are currently five types of load cells depending on the primary and secondary element that is used to sense the force. These are strain gauge type load cells, hydraulic load cells, diaphragm load cells, spool type load cells, and ring type load cells. Load cells are also frequently used as part of the weighing system because they offer a non intrusive, highly accurate load type measurement data. With properly installed and calibrated load cells, they routinely achieve accuracies of around 0.03 to 1%, depending on load cell type.
Factory and manufacturing industries
The factory and manufacturing industries are also highly reliant on accurate measurements. The biggest advantage of manufacturers is producing a product that is consistent. Consistency requires the greatest amount of accurate measurement. This is achieved with recalibration techniques and the proper design of the manufacturing line. ISO9000 and many other standards specify the maximum period between recalibration. It can be as much as once every two years or more frequently if the instrument depreciation is significant during the period (typically more than 1%).
The use of precise tension load cells can also help with creating an accurate and reliable manufacturing line. Once the line is inspected and recalibrated on a regular basis, the maintenance becomes less. At this point, manufacturers can rely on the basis that everything is properly running efficiently and with the most accurate of measurements.
Accuracy is hard to achieve without the use of machines and measurement devices. These measurement devices are even more important in some industries that require an extreme attention to accurate measurements including the construction and design industries, the engineering field, and the factory and manufacturing industry. A single error in measurement could result in an expensive and dangerous outcome.